Coscinium Colebr. [Menispermaceae]
2 Ceylon to India, Indochina and W. Mal.

2336462 278824 Coscinium blumeanum Miers ex Hook.f. & Thomson
Fl. Males., vol. 10 : p. 212, fig. 10 f,g (1984-1989) [E. Catherine]
4533012 278824 Coscinium blumeanum Miers ex Hook.f. & Thomson
Kew Bull., vol. 43(): : p. 391, fig. 3H-P (1988) [E. Catherine]
4817782 278824 Coscinium blumeanum Miers ex Hook.f. & Thomson
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 1 (Medicinal plants): t. 145 (1944)
2330422 278826 Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.) Colebr. [0]
Fl. Males., vol. 10 : p. 212, fig. 10 a-f (1984-1989) [E. Catherine]
1616522 278826 Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.) Colebr. [0]
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 37 (1918)
9712 278826 Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.) Colebr. [0]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 78 [ser. 3, vol. 8]: t. 4658 (1852) [W.H. Fitch]
1740382 278826 Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.) Colebr. [0]
J. Miers, Contr. Bot., vol. 3 (Containing a complete monograph of the Menispermaceae): p. 22, t. 88 (1864-1871)
4817772 278826 Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.) Colebr. [0]
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 1 (Medicinal plants): t. 144 (1944)
1481286 278826 Coscinium fenestratum (Goetgh.) Colebr. [80 278830 Coscinium usitatum Pierre]
J.B.L. Pierre, Fl. Forest. Cochinch., vol. 2 : t. 112 (1839)
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