Werauhia J.R. Grant [Bromeliaceae]
65 Central and N Andes, northern S America, Central America, and Greater Antillen.

[not yet available online]
4093812 1073758 Werauhia anitana J.F.Morales
Novon, vol. 15 : p. 333 (2005)
3726262 1073812 Werauhia noctiflorens T.Krömer, Espejo, López-Ferr. & Acebey
Novon, vol. 17 : p. 338, fig. 1 (2007) [R. Jiménez Machorro]
3719865 1073810 Werauhia moralesii H.Luther
Novon, vol. 9 : p. 404, fig. 4 (1999) [J.F. Morales]
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