Cleome gynandra L. [ Cleome pentaphylla L.]
Roxburgh, W., Icones Roxburgianae (Roxburgh Flora Indica drawings at Kew) (1780-1815)
Icones Roxburgianae (Kew)

t. 668
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Cleome gynandra L.

name cited:
Cleome pentaphylla L.
name recognized:
Cleome gynandra L.
family: Capparaceae
epithet cited: pentaphyllus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: gynandrus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
The Watercolour World, Stevenage, U.K.
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homotypic synonyms:
Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briq.; Pedicellaria gynandra (L.) Chiov.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Cleome acuta Schum. & Thonn.; Cleome affinis (Blume) Sprengel; Cleome alliacea Blanco; Cleome alliodora Blanco; Cleome blumeana D.Dietr.; Cleome blumeana Schultes f.; Cleome bungei Steudel; Cleome candelabrum Sims; Cleome denticulata Schultes & Schultes f.; Cleome eckloniana Schrader; Cleome flexuosa F.Dietr. ex Schultes & Schultes f.; Cleome heterotricha Burch.; Cleome lupinifolia Bartram; Cleome muricata (Schrader) Schultes & Schultes f.; Cleome oleracea Welw.; Cleome pentaphylla L.; Cleome pubescens Sieber ex Steudel; Cleome rosea Ecklon ex Steudel; Cleome triphylla L.; Gynandropsis affinis Blume; Gynandropsis candelabrum (Sims) Sweet; Gynandropsis denticulata DC.; Gynandropsis glandulosa C. Presl; Gynandropsis heterotricha DC.; Gynandropsis muricata Schrader; Gynandropsis ophidocarpa DC.; Gynandropsis ophitocarpa DC.; Gynandropsis palmipes DC.; Gynandropsis pentaphylla (L.) DC.; Gynandropsis sinica Miq.; Gynandropsis triphylla DC.; Gynandropsis viscida Bunge; Pedicellaria pentaphylla (L.) Schrank; Pedicellaria triphylla (L.) Pax; Sinapistrum pentaphyllum (L.) Medik.;
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