Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson [ Amorphophallus rex Prain ex Hook.f.]
Watanabe, K., Illustrations of useful plants of the southern regions (1944-1945)
Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg.

vol. 2(1): (1945)
[Edible plants]
t. 620
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Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson

name cited:
Amorphophallus rex Prain ex Hook.f.
name recognized:
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson
name recognized (basionym):
Dracontium paeoniifolium Dennst.
family: Araceae
epithet cited: rex

epithet recognized: paeoniifolius,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
National Library Board, Singapore
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Dracontium paeoniifolium Dennst.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Amorphophallus campanulatus Decne.; Amorphophallus chatty Andrews; Amorphophallus decurrens (Blanco) Kunth; Amorphophallus dixenii K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen; Amorphophallus dubius Blume; Amorphophallus giganteus Blume; Amorphophallus gigantiflorus Hayata; Amorphophallus malaccensis Ridley; Amorphophallus microappendiculatus Engl.; Amorphophallus rex Prain; Amorphophallus rex Prain ex Hook.f.; Amorphophallus sativus Blume; Amorphophallus virosus N.E. Br.; Arum campanulatum Roxb.; Arum decurrens Blanco; Arum phalliferum Oken; Arum rumphii Gaudich.; Arum rumphii Oken; Conophallus giganteus Schott ex Miq.; Conophallus sativus (Blume) Schott; Dracontium polyphyllum Dennst.; Dracontium polyphyllum Forster f.; Hydrosme gigantiflora (Hayata) S.S.Ying; Plesmonium nobile Schott;