Piper umbellatum L.
Cooper, W., Cooper, W.T., Fruits of the Australian tropical rainforest (2004)
Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest

p. 399 f. 3
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Piper umbellatum L.

name cited:
Piper umbellatum L.
name recognized:
Piper umbellatum L.
drawing: W.T. Cooper
family: Piperaceae
epithet: umbellatus,-a,-um

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homotypic synonyms:
Heckeria umbellata (L.) Kunth; Lepianthes umbellata (L.) Raf.; Lepianthes umbellata (L.) Raf. ex Ramamoorthy; Peperomia umbellata (L.) Kunth; Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miq.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Heckeria sidaefolia (Link & Otto) Kunth; Peperomia grandifolia Dieter.; Peperomia sidaefolia (Link & Otto) A. Dietr.; Peperomia subpeltata (Willd.) A. Dietr.; Piper afzelianum Roemer & Schultes; Piper cuernavacanum C. DC.; Piper dombeyanum (Miq.) C. DC.; Piper grandifolium Afzel.; Piper postelsianum Maxim.; Piper sidaefolium Link & Otto; Piper subpeltatum Willd.; Pothomorphe alleni Trel.; Pothomorphe dombeyana Miq.; Pothomorphe sidaefolia (Link & Otto) Miq.; Pothomorphe subpeltata (Willd.) Miq.;
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1 799431 Piper umbellatum L.
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 399, fig. 3 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]