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from Gr. makros, long; siphon, tube: with a long tube, long-tubed

There were 14 illustrations found for epithet macrosiphon

41625 255435 Clerodendrum incisum Klotzsch
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 109 [ser. 3, vol. 39]: t. 6695 (1883) [M. Smith]
413266 888113 Rothmannia macrosiphon (Schumann ex Engl.) Bridson [125 865133 Randia macrosiphon Schumann ex Engl.]
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenw. Ost-Afrikas: t. 44 (1895) [T. Guerke]
542172 645624 Mascarenhasia macrosiphon Baker
Fl. Madag., vol. 169 (Apocynacées): p. 259 (1976) [J. Saussotte-Guérel]
518582 221044 Centranthus macrosiphon Boiss.
J. Paxton, J. Lindley, Paxton’s Fl. Gard., vol. 2 : t. 67 (1853) [L. Constans]
3583276 704908 Nyctocalos cuspidatum (Blume) Miq. [125 1001827 Tecoma cuspidata Blume]
Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, vol. 21 : t. 29, fig. 76 (1907)
859956 640098 Mandevilla macrosiphon (Torrey) Pichon [125 372619 Echites macrosiphon Torrey]
W.H. Emory, Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound., vol. 2(1): (Botany of the boundary): t. 43 (1859)
1198162 221044 Centranthus macrosiphon Boiss.
E. Step, D. Bois, Favourite Fl., vol. 2 : t. 124 (1896) [D.G.J.M. Bois]
1582412 558649 Iris macrosiphon Torrey
M.E. Parsons, Wild Fl. Calif.: p. 287 (1906) [M.W. Buck]
4081422 221044 Centranthus macrosiphon Boiss.
D. Bois, Atl. Pl. Jard., vol. 1 : t. 129 (1891-1893)
2395822 221044 Centranthus macrosiphon Boiss.
P.E. Boissier, Voy. Bot. Espagne, vol. 1 : t. 85a (1839-1845) [A. Riocreux]
1911772 558649 Iris macrosiphon Torrey
W.R. Dykes, Iris: p. 43, t. 12 (1912)
3201836 704908 Nyctocalos cuspidatum (Blume) Miq. [125 1001827 Tecoma cuspidata Blume]
Naturalis: () [A. Bernecker]
3201846 704908 Nyctocalos cuspidatum (Blume) Miq. [125 1001827 Tecoma cuspidata Blume]
Naturalis: () [A. Bernecker]
4477556 697654 Nepeta macrosiphon Boiss.
Kew Bull., vol. 4(): : p. 543 (1949) [-]