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There were 4 illustrations found for epithet barbellatus,-a,-um

9282 252653 Clematis barbellata Edgew.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 80 [ser. 3, vol. 10]: t. 4794 (1854) [W.H. Fitch]
543692 252653 Clematis barbellata Edgew.
L.B. Van Houtte, Fl. Serres, vol. 9 : p. 253, t. 956 (1853)
2358086 1050992 Vanilla barbellata Rchb.f.
A.R. Northrop, J.I. Northrop, Flora of New Providence and Andros, with an enumeration of the plants collected by John I. Northrop and Alice R. Northrop, in 1890: t. 3 (1902) [M.V. Thayer]
390598693327 Navia barbellata L.B.Sm.
Mem. New York Bot. Gard., vol. 10(): : p. 39, fig. 24 () [unsigned]