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from L. simulare (from similis, similar), to resemble, to imitate: resembling, imitating i.e. an other species

There were 23 illustrations found for epithet simulans

67016 98271 Asparagus simulans Baker
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 131 [ser. 4, vol. 1]: t. 8046 (1905) [M. Smith]
340816 32188 Agrostis capillaris L.
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 15 : t. 1455 (1884) [M. Smith]
526582 98271 Asparagus simulans Baker
Fl. Madag., vol. 40 (Liliacées): p. 35 (1938)
704282 1051892 Veitchia simulans H.E.Moore
N.W. Uhl, J. Dransfield, Genera Palmarum: t. 116 (1987)
801022 557316 Ipomoea simulans D. Hanb.
J. Linn. Soc., Bot., vol. 11 (x): t. 2 (1871) [W.H. Fitch]
4314751 135519 Begonia simulans Merr. & L.M.Perry
J. Arnold Arbor., vol. 38 : p. 53, fig. 5 e-i (1957) [G.W. Dillon]
1163172 811995 Pleurothallis simulans L.O.Williams
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., vol. 27 : t. 33 (1940) [G.W. Dillon]
1169442 811995 Pleurothallis simulans L.O.Williams
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., vol. 33 : p. 96, t. 100 (1946)
3716532 584707 Lapeirousia simulans Goldblatt & J.C.Manning
Novon, vol. 4 : p. 340, fig. 1 (1994) [J.C. Manning]
3719865 1073810 Werauhia moralesii H.Luther
Novon, vol. 9 : p. 404, fig. 4 (1999) [J.F. Morales]
3719602 975747 Stemmadenia simulans J.F.Morales & Q.Jiménez
Novon, vol. 9 : p. 237, fig. 1 (1999) [S. Troyo]
3814236 680605 Moraea simulans Baker [0]
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 16 : t. 623 (1936) [E. Niemeyer]
2078076 378356 Eleocharis melanostachys (D’Urv.) C.B. Clarke [125 922321 Scirpus melanostachys D’Urv.]
C.B. Clarke, Ill. Cyper.: t. 36, fig. 19-24 (1909) [N.E. Brown]
172725Dysphania simulans F. Muell. & Tate
F.J.H. von Mueller [Müller], Iconogr. Austral. Salsolac. Pl.: t. 34 (1889-1891) [R. Graff]
2832926 680605 Moraea simulans Baker [0]
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 16 : t. 623 (1936) [E. Niemeyer]
2889332 808600 Pleiospilos simulans N.E. Br.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 29 : t. 1154 (1952)
2878592 680605 Moraea simulans Baker
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [M.C. Fawkes]
3350492 25814 Aeschynomene simulans Rose
Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève, vol. 34 : t. 7 (1902) [B. Herincq]
38445765167 Aniba taubertiana Mez
Mem. New York Bot. Gard., vol. 10(): : p. 52, fig. 32 () [CKA?]
390602602778 Licaria vernicosa (Mez) Kosterm.
Mem. New York Bot. Gard., vol. 10(): : p. 52, fig. 33 () [CKA?]
390612383527 Endlicheria anomala (Nees) Mez
Mem. New York Bot. Gard., vol. 10(): : p. 100, fig. 52 () [CKA?]
4490042 1077292 Xerophyta simulans L.B.Sm. & Ayensu
Kew Bull., vol. 29(): : p. 191 (1974) [n.a.]
4689606 286744 Crepis hypochoeridea (DC.) Thell. [125 935596 Senecio hypochoerideus DC.]
E.B. Babcock, Genus Crepis (1947): p. 394, fig. 88 (1948)